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Monday, September 8, 2014

India and Nepal!


I made the above collage maybe about 8 years ago, and found it recently after committing to being a part of the India/Nepal Mission Trip. I thought it so amazing that I have this opportunity to go and love on "the least of these"

Below is my letter requesting support, I actually need to buy my plane ticket in the next week, so hoping every day for a miracle!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Latest Update: Work & Upcoming Mission in Northen Cape

This will hopefully be a short update :) Just wanted to fill in everyone wrt to my work situation as I occasionally bump into some of you ;) or hear from you and then people don't know what is happening as i havent officially updated the group though in my status messages may have said something.

So right now I am working.. :) God said "Follow me" and right now that means being home, working and paying off debt. So since last year about Sep I have been working in Admin for my father, which has its pro's and cons but I am grateful as I have learnt alot - PASTEL Accounting :) I am contributing to my family, I know what is happening in our affairs ;) lol, And Just ja I am learning alot about the building industry. Then about April, I started working as a trainer in a Educator Computer Skills project, this is not a permanent job but more on a project basis where I have had ten schools assigned to me that i need to attend 2 sessions with each. I don't know if I am part of the bigger schools contract, or what the future holds concerning this, but for now I am grateful enjoy visiting schools in now Stellenbosch, Paarl, Wellington, Past Wellington and De Doorns :) I enjoy meeting educator staff, seeing the heart of the school and esp. helping teachers of who some are very afraid of the upcoming computer exam. I love the variety.

So I don't have all the answers with regards to the future, and I have stressed about it, but now I know, it's OK! As someone said today God lets us know things on a need to know basis... Also this video by Jason Upton (at the end) really helped me relax in that it's ok that i dont have all the answers :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp2PsTrjfmo&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL

Ok enough about work (I'm not doing to well in keeping it short either)

but just as i get paid i pay towards debt, i possibly could have been done sooner, but I have come down quite a bit since being home :) the bank doesnt call me :)

Then wrt to upcoming mission trip :) I said Jan 2011 I am trusting to be back in fulltime missions, I am not, BUT God has been faithful in allowing me to take part in shortterm missions sort of the first being the YWAM team coming to Cape Town, I got to take off a week and volunteer/staff/work/stay with them...And now I have an upcoming mission with our Every Nation Church in Bloemfontein, in a little town called Groblershoop in the Northern Cape. (Also have gotten to visit YWAM Worcester once and YWAM Muizenberg twice in this year)...

So from 1 - 10 July I will be there and it will be serving, building relationally, and seeing what God wants in the future for that town...like the ten spies. the team comprises of 8 from the Bloemfontein church and I basically know no one else :) which i am a bit nervous for, But I cannot deny the excitement I have for being a part of this. This is the first time I do missions with my church, which I think is a good thing, so I dont have opinions, but am involved... We will see what God is going to do through this... honestly last week I felt like I dont have enough Love in me, to love others, normally this comes naturally but its not coming now, but after Sunday church chatting to some ppl and worship the evening, as someone said it's not YOU, it's not YOUR LOVE. it's God in you that will give me the Love, hte answers, etc. I'm just a vessel. And its a privilege for me to be a part of a team going to Groblershoop to be a vessel for God to do what he wants through. I just hope I dont get in the way!!! But depending, drawing close and praying for More of him and less of me. But excited to see what God is going to do! As I've been saying the whole time, "There's something about Groblershoop that gives me HOPE!" Also this will be an Afrikaans mission,so I who understand 120% need to start speaking now so that it can all come back to me and I dont have to take 5 min to think of the Afrikaans word for something :) Also been blessed that the initial cost of the mission is now R0, we just need to take with extra money for transport/needs that arise,etc.

Anyway so thats the update. Any questions let me know ;) God bless you guys!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Work Update

Hi all, not sure if I mentioned I am job hunting. Its been a strange affair, on the one hand I had advice on both sides of trusting God for debt to be freed if no job coming after a long period & others working debt off first...And a week of fasting led to me receiving money for debt unexpectedly, yet still had such a huge mountain to face decided to trust for jan 2011 to go back to missions, God in his humour let me do missions in Jan 2011, a one week outreach team coming to Kuils River (will give update bout that another time)... However still needed to work. Which was scary too because I wasn't sure if I'm not trusting God enough and going back after having come alive in missions.

So job hunting began and it wasn't easy.Also this was new, before I used to be unemployed shortly because of my references, yet now I'd have this opportunity, and then on the day cancelled... Then applied for 2 jobs in my field - Information Technology... Only because after a few months for working for my dad in wages in admin, realised, only way going to get out of debt is if had a good wellpaying admin job, or if get a job in my field. Finally had 2 interviews, both went exceptionally well. First one the secretery sneaked in while boss taking a phone call saying if I don't get the job I applied for she wants my CV for another...And the interview went so well. The second interview, the guy interview was so impressed, he felt a new role needs to be created for me at most(and will speak to big boss if they can do it) or at least the job I applied for it.... After both interviews despite all the promises,etc.etc... I did not get both jobs.

One Sunday in church we were challenged to praise, shout,clap to God for 60 seconds.... In the end it extended to 5minutes, and there was such freedom and joy, it was amazing. The pastor said afterwards in 5 min u can ruin your life, but in 5 min you can change your life!!! just 5 min. That day, my aunt came and told me about this opportunity that is in the pipelines and she'll get back to me and now it's about 2 months later and wala...Today I did my first training at a school in Paarl. Basically it is still on a project basis,so am being paid per school I trained...However my aunt may be starting her own business & then will be employing me...So again at best I have ajob for a season that I actually love, am challenged in, get to meet and interact with people and give back to my community & connect with God alot cause God knows there's no getting bored when working with people, my prayer levels have shot thru the roof :)

at worst after my ten schools I have cut my credit card debt by 60-80% (substantially!)

So thats where it's at. Of course I still desire to be in missions, but I know that my calling in life is to follow God and in this season this is where I'm supposed to be and God is teaching me through the work, through the structure, Please do keep me in prayer as I work closely with people of different religions and backgrounds. Pray that I will be the fragrance of Christ to those around me, pray that I will be mindful of where i am and what I'm doing & also that I will grow in structure, diligence, order, etc.

This is just a tiny update, I have left out emotional, financial, spiritual updates, but thought esp.for those wondering this was necessary :)

Hope you are all well too. Please keep me up 2 date too. I may be extrovert and say too much, but it doesnt mean I don't want to know what is happening in your lives and how i can pray for u.

Let me leave you with one spiritual nugget. Even saying the above some huge challenges have occured in my life I have semi lost important to me relationships, been hurt, and at the weirdest of times... So it's not all hunky dory BUT, I'm learning that my Father never leaves me. Even when all is not right. In Psalm 139 it says where can I go from your spirit? Where can I flee from your presence... Even the darkness will not be dark to you,the night will shine like the day,for darkness is as light to you. What this means to me is that even when I'm going through my darkest moments, difficult times, sinful times, struggling times, depression times, even in those moments you felt without God, or God wouldnt come to you in that, even there, he saw you, he knew you, he didnt leave you, he was with you. Doesnt make the sin or situation right? Doesn't mean you're through the woods, but it does mean YOU ARE NOT ALONE. He has not left you nor forsaken you. And if you can get that, it makes all the difference...Firstly you will find your hope and strength in him,secondly if the situation is your fault, you can begin to get answers to make it right From Him. He cares...EVEN if no one else!

Also I've been pondering Who is God to you? Who is God to me? What is God. When you hear God what do you think. I mean what do you really, really think of God? Why am I asking this...Cause when you think/sing, read, Be Still and Know that I am God... I think who that God is makes a big difference... If I know he is GOD (and what that really means) I can/will be still and know...I will have peace. I will surrender the situation. Because HE IS GOD!!!

Thank you all for your support in being on this group. Let me know how I can be a blessing. Sorry I'm not always the best of human beings, but if I can somehow and if God also leads me, I try and be a blessing and a bit better than I am.(there are also days that I'm a bit worse, but thats' ok)...

Well Keep Well All

Thursday, October 21, 2010

FB: Spring Clean!

Couldn't sleep and decided to attack this project that I decided to long ago, as I know next year may have me back in missions then I may not have access to free internet or a laptop....

So as you all can see I've updated the look of my Facebook group and blog http://chandresjourney.blogspot.com. I've changed the name of the Facebook group cause somehow Chandré's Journey matches the heart of this group better than Support me (Chandre) on My Mission Endeavours.I am on a journey of following Jesus, and you are already supporting me by reading, encouraging, sharing your life with me too, praying, helping and contributing.

God didn't say to me You are a missionary. But he did say follow me? I know my giftings, I know my desires, but I don't exactly yet know the end destination. At times it's hard, at times I am denial, or stubborn, and at times struggle with the same old issues everyone else struggles with, sometimes even worse :) But I have seen that I am an all or nothing person and even when I fall, for me the choice is only Follow God or at least try to, or live without God. It's hard for me to nurse sin yet follow God. Thank God for the friends, family and Strong people in the Lord who encourage me to greater things even when my life looked like "gemors" - rubbish! But there has to be more, so we get up dust ourselves off, lift ourselves up and follow God. I have to have hope that one day I will see my breakthrough, one day I will fully reflect the life God is calling me to. Like David says : Psalm 27:13 I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. There are days that it looks bleak, that I struggle to get up, but God is bigger than me and I will continue looking to author and perfector of our faith.

God bless you all. Remember if you wanna know more, just mail me or inbox me. If you need prayer or someone to talk to, ditto. If you wanna partner with me, ditto :)

Just to end off, Life is tough. Let's be honest, Just when you think you getting somewhere, life, the devil, circumstances, your own weaknesses can catch you off guard. But I have to believe God is true to his word, his promises and faithful even when I'm not. I have to believe that he will make all things work together for the good of those who love him, I have to believe even when everyone else has given up on us, that he will never leave us nor forsake us, and even when I do struggle with believing, that God's ways are higher than my ways and that this is journey and he who has called us is faithful!

1 Thessalonians 5:23 -24

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.

God bless you :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Following God, both scary and extremely rewarding...

God has called me to follow him. It's as simple as that for me, Jesus said follow me, stay close and follow me. And I did, and at first I realised the cost, going further away from friends, and loved ones, and home, and comfort, and coke, and similiar cultured people who "get" me. But I also realised the peace, the tiredness that disappeared, the joy in waking up, the heart that wants to intercede, not forcing myself to have quiet time, but God actually becoming my best friend and first option to run to in a strange place, I grew, my dreams grew, provision came, new family came, situations with people resolved correctly as God was first so learning to trust even in the small things,the "kleintjies", the big things that seemed to break my heart, even those God looked after. Learnt alot in those months.

Then I came home. And home has been challenging, cause home and city life holds routines, and rhythms and deadlines and intentions that are never realised. Everything else is more important, there is always somewhere else people need to be, and I get/got caught up in that too. But I said God, I need to find you here in my city, in the same way I found you elsewhere, I don't want my walk with you to be dependant on a place, but even here in the familiar, in the old hurts, challenges and sins, I need you, and I need to see that in work. And God came through... I found people who I knew but now found out knew things about them, and learnt and built deeper. I found an awesome cell, which was big prayer matter for me, if I was going to be here, I needed to be around similiar minded people, who firstly excude God in their conversations in their priorities yet are real, ordinary people and are open about their lives and struggles too.

Then sin creeped in, from the strangest of places, well like new american friends say "sin piggyback rides in on the back of righteousness..." You may be doing something righteous, or be with people who were always a blessing to you and you to them, but sin looks away to creep in even in the midst of a righteous thing that is happening. And for a while I became like the prodigal son, choosing to enjoy the "world", well as far as one who has tasted true life can enjoy the world. It all started with good intention, but in the end like Heb 12 says I got entangled in the sin that so easily entangles. Thankfully God was right there in the midst of it, even in the people that I was surrounded with and at some point I grabbed at the light and called out for help, to God and to the people I knew who would speak truth in my life.

Since then, God has surprised me, confirmed desires, blessed me and even provided for me. It hasn't been easy, I have been so close to giving up, if it wasn't for God's grace, I have lost things I held dear to my heart, I have had to deal with my own disappointment, my own hardheartedness, my fears, my losses, but in the midst, God has been smiling, and faithful, despite all the BUT Lord, or the teachings and comments people give, God has knelt down and held out his hand and just repeated the words he has spoken to me before... Come, follow me, you are mine, I am yours... I am not saying there are no consequences to sin, of course there are. But I am so aware of the sun even behind the grey clouds. I am so aware of this strength rising in my heart, to face things that normally I would be falling apart to face. I am so aware of the His tangible grace on my life in this season. He is a redeemer. There are still mindboggling situations. There are still relationships in my life that I have no idea are coming or going or why? But I know, God is taking care of that and I just need to follow him and not try to figure out or fix things that I have given to him to fix. Super hard at times and realising the control freak in me, but embracing this season of learning to TRUST GOD with all my heart and not lean on my own understanding... :) (prov 3).

The next step. Back to missions. God said Follow me, he didn't say go to India, Timbaktu, be a missionary, be in IT. For now when I left in Sep he said Psalm 45, leave your father and your mother's house, the king is entralled by your beauty, honour him for He is your Lord. Also He said follow me. In missions he said stay close.I realise that as I seek him,the rest becomes clear, and that sometimes you need to step out of the boat. You cannot expect God's will for you to be dropping on ur lap, you need to get on ur knees and when he speaks you need to follow him. Fortunately I have found God's grace to accompany his word. He hasn't jerked me out of circumstances and in going to JBay the first time he had made it super clear that i needed to go. I know that this time round, God will lead me too and with his leading also comes his peace if I'm doing the right thing...

So back to the title of ths note. Following God, both scary and extremely rewarding. When I go, I know I am once again stepping physically away from my lifelong and dear friends, my family, my parents, my home, my CAPE TOWN, everything that makes sense. I also may not have a place to come back to, I am in my 30's now so cannot expect parent to support me forever. This is scary. Sometimes you wan't that normaly routine life, job, home, extra classes, braais on weekends, new car in 2 years, flat, house, steps that everyone around you is taking, BUT, you also know that when you tried to live that life, it wasn't you. In IT I felt like Cinderella's step sisters, with the glass shoe on my foot, one day someone would spot that I don't fully belong here. It's not that I am saying that it's wrong to be in IT, or whatever market place you are in. God has called you to be there, he has put that desire for business, academics, science, art in your heart. For me he has given a different call, to follow, this following may take me right back to the start, to the business world, I don't know ;) lol...But I know I will go nowhere, if I don't do the next step that is set before me. Destiny is calling :) Really this is not just some nice words put together, BUT I really am scared of the unknown, the only thing that motivates me is the call of God, the peace in my heart, on Alicia keys cd this quote aptly describes how I feel at times, - "And the day came when the risk it took to remain tightly closed in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to bloom. This is the element of freedom.” Doing what everyone else does because I am afraid to do what I am called to do is becoming more painful than stepping out and doing what I'm called to do.

So I don't have all the answers just yet, But it will come. So watch this space... And keep me in your prayers. Like that song says "I'll pray for you, You pray for me, I love you, I need you to survive". Let's keep praying, lets keep spurring one another on towards greatness. Lets keep following God, on whatever direction he is calling us to go. And lets keep looking to him for those answers ;)


Thursday, April 1, 2010

FB: Latest Blog entry - Back...

Yep, I've been quiet, but at last I am ready to post something...

So I'm back. Honestly it hasn't been easy being back. I kinda expected things to be different because I've grown, only to find myself making the same mistakes, falling in the same traps, hurting in the same way, and then getting frustrated and disappointed that this is happening, cause my 6 months away was not an Act yet why am I struggling.

Fortunately sometime between coming home and now, God has been stirring to mind some lessons I learnt the hard way in my 6 months, and now its time to apply it in this environment. Also the meaning of a scripture I never really understood...

Matthew 11:12 (NIV)
12From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.

Matthew 11:12 (NKJV)
12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

...Finally makes sense. I've got to win it here...Even though I've grown and learnt somethings, it's almost like weapons, or tools that I've acquired and now I have got to win it back in my old environment, back where the struggle was. And by force. It doesn't come easy. This was a surprise to me, but as I am now beginning to apply what I learnt it is beginning to get easier...

So what was the major lessons I learnt:

1) Consider it Pure Joy when you face trials of many kinds... Endurance,Joy, Maturity. God matures me through the trials, don't despise the trials, thank God, he wouldnt allow it if he wasn't going to use it to grow me. It doesnt come easy but eventually you get it. Like been struggling with some relationships since being back. Today I finally prayed. Lord I surrender this situation to me, even though it hurts and I can't see a solution, and it seems like things never change, Lord I know you are in control and I choose to trust you, trust that you know more than me, trust that you are in control. And that you will show me the next step, despite what was said, or what happened, the battle is yours Lord.

2) Surrender to God. - covered a bit in point no.1. Stop trying to fix things, understand things, it's tiring, frustrating and can make you sick. Give it to God. Let him do what he does best, Trust Him, If you given it to him, it is in good hands.

3) Serve. You'll find as you do the above God starts to soften your heart to pray even for the people hurting you or see them in a different light. Begin to ask God how you can be a blessing to them, sometimes you may see an opportunity, sometimes the opportunity presents itself to you to help out or do something to the very person who broke your heart. That is a God moment...Serve.

4)Accept. a) Accept yourself,for who God has made you, with strengths and weaknesses...When You can say this is Me and God accepts me and so do I, you stop trying so hard to please others cause you know who you are, and their not liking you doesn't matter so much as before cause you are you. But when you don't accept yourself (or maybe you think you have,but really depend on others opinions alot more), everything others say makes you second guess or question yourself and people pick that up and even hurt you even more. But when you know who you are, you got your power back :) and even just relationships with others are easier cause you're not expecting so much from them (validation, approval,etc)...

b) Also Accept people for who they are...This also helps alot. Once you accept this person, this leader, is like that and thats who they are that is their weakness that is their strength and I accept them for who they are, it becomes easier too to relate and not be so judgemental. People will change on their own time, when God reveals it to them, if you told them once and they're still like that you either accept them or move on, but once you accept them, once you,as someone once preached, see the gold in them and not just the dust, it becomes so much easier. Yes that person swears, lies, gossips, is very rude,hurtful but that is just the dust, they are also there through the tough times, Loving God lots, etc... Hold on to the Gold. and you also not so surprised by the dust, when it comes cause you have accepted that person warts and all. but as long as I'm expecting that person not to have warts, everytime they do something wrong either you take it hard, or you become judgemental. And then you are sinning too.

I've seen when I let the wall up to protect myself from others who have hurt me, after a while I notice I am not having breakthrough with God, because the wall I build holds him out too. I know forgiving and trusting again isn't easy...with God's help you do eventually get there as you realise God is using this trial to strengthen and mature you, as you surrender your life, the situation, your emotions to God,as you pray for and/or serve the people that hurt you and as you accept yourself and them for who God made them... You eventually will get through...

Currently I am finding myself slowly go through this process and it really does get easier to handle. Not immediately even I am far from through, but I know God knows and I know that he is making me a mature, wiser person and a winner and lover of all people. And I know there is the potential inside me to do the right thing so I will get there. By His Grace, with him... Hope you have learnt something from this and if not life may eventually teach you it too :)


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

FB: Colesberg

1. Colesberg

Many long distance drivers should be familiar with stopping over at Shell Ultra City in Colesberg,yet seeing nothing but dryness,koppies,sheep farms.Contrary to popular belief,the farms in the area are like finding an oasis in a desert.We overnighted at one of 3 farms owned by this family and surprised by the beauty,the greenery,and luxury of the farm.The only problem was that because the farm stands empty most of the time bees have managed to make their home it the chimney.So walking carefully past can prevent an accident,but unfortunately one of our staff was stung twice in our overnight stay.Well,the good far outweighed the bad& the bee was long forgotten as we arrived at the main farm of this family for supper,a beautiful home an even more beautiful garden,with animals,including a springbok,then we discovered it...A trampoline! We asked if we could jump,went crazy!Then the farmer says,if he knew that enjoyed that,he would have told us to bring our bathers so we could swim as well.Then we realised our suitcases are still in the combi,got our costumes&all 9 of us swam including 2 who cudnt swim,1 with fear of water.We only went in for supp 9pm!Supper included lamb,delicious!& i tasted a prickly pear for the 1st time.They have a beautiful half moon tv room& i noticed a bird flying around like it's stuck in the house& mentioned it as it was strange that it's happening at night.Turns out that it's not a bird,it's a bat! We were invited to breakfast& another swim before leaving.Breakfast was oats,cereals,bacon,egg,sausage,and smoortjie!our overnight was an unexpected 5 star hotel.Also enjoyed hearing their story,they got saved 3 years ago at an Angus Buchan event&their whole lives turned around from believing that they are good because they attend church,fulfill all obligations but are dead on the inside to accepting Jesus as their lord and saviour and starting a ministry to farmers& farmworkers.We also got to encourage and pray for their workers....